Rest In Christ


“Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.” So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child” —Galatians 4:6–7

In our part of town, there is a lot of pressure on us to prove we are worthy. And there is quite a bit of looking down on those who are “a drain on the system”. It’s the “sin” of our area that you must avoid at all cost. Be a contributing member of society, make your way up the ladder. Promotions and awards are based on our achievement. It shapes us and forms us to think our worth and value come from what we do.

How might we affirm that?

It’s good to be a positive influence on the world. God gave us gifts and talents and calls us to be stewards of them. A steward is responsible for implementing what he has been given in positive, fruitful, productive ways.

How might we need to challenge that?

The gospel declares that we all fall short, each of us stands before God condemned and guilty of rebellion against him. If our identity is in our performance, the declaration “you failed” is abrasive to us. But instead God declares us good and valuable, not based on our performance, but based on the finished work of Christ on the Cross.

Therefore, we need to learn to rest in the “performance” of Jesus. Stop striving to get it yourself, and receive it from Jesus. We are united in Christ and in the family of God. That means we have a Father who will take care of us. He’s got it. In times of stress, he’s got it. In times of doubt, He’s got it. We are beloved by him because of Christ, and he will be there for his beloved


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